Jabara Airport AAO

Stearman Field 1K1
Stearman Field features a 5100×75 ft. paved and lighted runway with a GPS Instrument approach and a 2500 ft. grass strip. Pilots have access to 24-hour 100LL credit card fuel along with full service Jet A fuel. Stearman Field has a crew car available for pilots visiting the area. The airport has a discrete CTAF (123.07), a rotating beacon, and AWOS (118.3). The full-service maintenance shop is located midfield and is open Monday through Friday. Stearman Field Bar and Grill is located on the North ramp of the airport open 7 days a week, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Hangar Space
Clemens Aviation has hangar space available for all sizes of aircraft up to mid-sized business jets. Contact us at (316) 648-0132 or [email protected] for hangar availability.